I Love Loving People

You know what?

I love loving people. Going out of the box... out of the blue... and letting them know just how much they are loved.

Complimenting them, saying the sweet things you think but feel too shy to say. Being genuine - smiling - telling them just how special they are.

Being willing to be vulnerable and let them hear what you really think and feel. Let them see who you really are deep inside.

Loving people is scary, because you can't get close until you're willing to peel back the layers. But the end result is truly beautiful.

A true friendship is like two cups, constantly pouring into each other. If only one did it, that cup would soon be dry. But when they both pour their love, laughter and lives into each other, encouraging each other and lifting each other up to God, the picture of their lives becomes truly beautiful.

I love loving people.


  1. That was lovely. The metaphor/analogy {whichever. I'm on summer break!}for friendship being like cups was just beautiful.

  2. Beautiful :) Loving people is the most precious experience on earth.


  3. Love the last photo, how all of you beautiful girls came together. Great post! :)

  4. Very cute pictures! You and your friends are all so lovely... :)

  5. Hey! I looove your blog! check mine out sometime!

  6. What an amazing. It actually almost made me cry -- to beautiful.

    Loving is gift, a wonderful, amazing, terrifying gift.

    You have a golden soul :)

    With much love,

    K xx


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